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Five Frequently Negotiated Lease Terms

Nancy Lanard is President and Senior Partner of Lanard and Associates, P.C Award winning business & franchise expertise. She is a magna cum laude graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, having graduated in three years with a Bachelor of Arts [...]

2023-03-07T22:53:19+00:00Tuesday, April 16, 2019|

Tax Deductions for Small Business

By Barbara Weltman @ Small Business Trends Barbara Weltman is the Tax Columnist for Small Business Trends. Barbara is an author, attorney and a leading authority on tax, law, and finance for small business. She publishes an “Idea of [...]

2023-03-07T22:53:26+00:00Monday, April 8, 2019|

Tax Deductions for Small Business

By Barbara Weltman @ Small Business Trends Barbara Weltman is the Tax Columnist for Small Business Trends. Barbara is an author, attorney and a leading authority on tax, law, and finance for small business. She publishes an “Idea of [...]

2023-03-07T23:18:21+00:00Monday, April 8, 2019|

Fitness Focus in January

January: the month so many of us vow to get back into shape! To focus on this fitness & health interest we are going to focus on franchise concepts within this space. Working in franchising for 10 years, food & [...]

2023-03-07T23:18:47+00:00Wednesday, January 9, 2019|

Understanding Your Why

Any new venture must start with an understanding of who you are what you want to achieve. It is very important to understand how your actions can help you achieve your passions and goals. Pursuing something purely because it is [...]

2023-03-07T23:20:44+00:00Saturday, December 1, 2018|

A Year-end Checklist That Will Make You a Much Better Leader

Article is from Lolly Daskal's website: It spoke to me re: aspects of our lives and ourselves for introspection - for that is where the growth happens. As with everything in life, if you want to improve you need [...]

2023-03-07T22:56:27+00:00Thursday, November 29, 2018|

Entrepreneur vs Franchisee

Are they the same thing? nEntrepreneurs & Franchisees are more like cousins than identical twins. Definition of Entrepreneur: a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. [...]

2023-03-07T23:21:19+00:00Sunday, November 4, 2018|

What Is An FDD and Why Is It Important?

Franchising and The Franchise Disclosure Document One of the most informational, stressful and yet sleep inducing documents you will run into during a franchise investigation is the Franchise Disclosure Document. What is this Franchise Disclosure Document you hear so much [...]

2023-03-07T22:56:44+00:00Thursday, November 1, 2018|
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