The #1 Reason You Are Scared to Open Your Own Business

Published On: Friday, September 27, 2024

Running a business is no easy feat. Every venture is different—new customers, unique go-to-market strategies, different business partners—but one thing has always stayed the same:


It’s the number one reason people hesitate to start their own business. They fear it won’t work out. This brings to mind a famous quote from Shakespeare:

“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” — Henry IV, Part 2.

This speaks to the weight of responsibility business owners carry. We constantly worry because we’re making decisions that shape the future, often without clear answers. That unease? It’s rooted in uncertainty. It’s the doubt and hesitation we feel when deciding which path to take, knowing that every choice we make could lead to success or failure.

The pressure is real. Your family relies on you. Your employees rely on you. Their livelihoods are tied to the success or failure of your business. You’ll take risks—maybe remortgage your house or extend a credit line. You might miss a few payments, or have clients who don’t pay up. You’ll invest in growth with no guarantees that your projections will pan out.

The hardest part? As a business owner, you’re expected to predict the future. But none of us have a crystal ball, and uncertainty lurks around every corner.

So, what’s the solution?

You don’t try to eliminate it. You live with it. You learn from it.

You can’t be afraid of making decisions. No matter what, doubt will sneak in, and that’s okay. It’s part of the life you signed up for when you became a business owner.

Personally, I don’t look back and second-guess myself. Even if I made the wrong call, I trust that I made the best decision with the information I had at the time. I’ll analyze my options, weigh the pros and cons, talk to others—whether it’s a professional, a key team member, or even family.

I trust my process, and I trust myself. After a decision is made, I move forward. I learn from the results, but I never get stuck in the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” mindset. That kind of thinking can freeze you up when the next tough decision comes around.

Starting your own business isn’t about removing uncertainty and doubt. It’s about accepting that they’ll always be there. It’s about trusting yourself enough to use that doubt to learn, adapt, and keep growing.

Wondering how business ownership fits into your life? Let’s chat.

If you’re curious about franchise concepts that align with your interests and goals, click here to schedule a casual call with Telanda.

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